Chain of Responsibility

Under the Heavy Vehicle National Law, everyone in the transport supply chain has a legal obligation to ensure breaches of road transport laws do not occur. This is called the ‘Chain of Responsibility’.

Chain of Responsibility (CoR) training is essential for employees with control over any heavy vehicle transport task.

About this course

This CoR training course is for operators, owners, managers, schedulers, brokers and freight forwarders, loaders, packers and drivers. It will provide you and your team with a firm understanding of everyone’s responsibilities under the Chain of Responsibility, and the knowledge required to prevent breaches of mass, dimension, loading, speed and fatigue laws from occurring.

This Chain of Responsibility Awareness course is an introduction to Chain of Responsibility regulation and certification and a necessary step toward transport supply chain & logistics compliance.


What is Chain of Responsibility?

An introduction to the Chain of Responsibility concept, where it comes from and those in the transport supply chain who have CoR responsibilities.

Chain of Responsibility Laws

Explains national, state and territory laws and regulations and their enforcement, what penalties may be imposed and the requirements for a ‘reasonable steps’ defence.

What must be managed

Covers potential breaches in heavy vehicle mass, dimension, loading, speed and driver fatigue and what you can do to avoid them.

Your responsibilities

This topic provides everyone in the transport supply chain with a clear understanding of their responsibilities under CoR and the actions they may take to ensure breaches do not occur.

More about this course


This is an open course; it will be useful for anyone working either in shipping or in an organisation that has a connection with the movement of goods by road and sea.

Course objectives

The Chain of Responsibility course aims to enable participants to:

  • Know what the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) is, it’s purpose, and your duties under it
  • Understand what Chain of Responsibility is
  • Understand HVNL and Chain of Responsibility legislative requirements (including State and Territory regulations), offences and penalties
  • Recognise the role State and Territory authorities play in the management and enforcement of HVNL laws
  • Recognise who can be held responsible under Chain of Responsibility
  • Know the importance of safe load restraint, appropriate load mass and dimension, and prevention of driver fatigue and speeding
  • Identify what must be managed to avoid Chain of Responsibility related road safety breaches
  • Understand what action to take if you observe a potential or actual breach of Chain of Responsibility in your transport chain
  • Understand specific responsibilities of certain parties in the transport chain.

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